Welcome to my private blog! I am delighted that you have found your way to my site. Since 2022, I have been presenting my personal thoughts on topics such as health, the art of living, writing, education and much more here in loose order. I present experiences, projects and ideas that occupy me privately and that I believe are also interesting for other people.
I myself have been involved in the health industry and adult education for many years, both professionally and privately, and have worked as a lecturer, communications manager, political speaker, networker and author. I am originally a science historian and university didactician. My personal passions are sport and exercise, literature, cooking, travelling, photography and writing in all its forms. I draw on all of these many topics and activities here in my blog and am delighted if you find things here that interest and perhaps inspire you too.
If you are interested in finding out more about my professional context and career, take a look at my LinkedIn profile.
You can get in touch with me via my blog’s email address. However, please understand that I write this blog in addition to my actual job and private life and therefore cannot always reply immediately. As this is not a business offer, please refrain from making sales and advertising enquiries. If you would like to get in touch with me professionally, I recommend that you contact me via LinkedIn.
I hope you enjoy my blog!
Henning Schweer
Please note: my blog is a private one and in particular not a journalistic, advice or counselling service. The content I present here does not claim to be generally binding and is based on my personal and professional knowledge, experience and research. I have created it to the best of my knowledge and checked it carefully, but I cannot guarantee that it is free of errors, nor does the content represent a substitute for professional expert advice. I can therefore accept no liability for any damages. In this context, please also note the disclaimer in the legal notice.